Tuesday, November 20, 2012


After we exited our flight.
The bathroom was our first stop.
To my astonishment my sister LouAnne
approached us at the entrance where we our flight had arrived.
The appearance in her face said it all.
I knew that my sister Becky had went home to be with the Lord.
Purposely retreating off to the side so Lou could
embrace our mother. She was great compfort to mom.
As she embraced our mother in her arms. She waved to
a sobbing Bunny, to come join her in compforting.
So I did, the three of us in a hug formation.
Tears falling, I whispered to my sister ...
"God's Peace surpasses all things"
This was the prayer that the ladies at
church had prayed over me. I also prayed
 the our father
Jesus is Peace. The Lord is peace.
God's peace surpasses all things.
His Peace did surpass all things.
Including bitterness.

Psalm 4:8
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

Psalm 48:14
For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide Even to death

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way.
The Lord be with you all 2 Thess 3:16

Isaiah 58:11
The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.