Saturday, June 15, 2024

Faithful to the Father

God is not a fan of halfway faith. He wants us to be all in, to be passionate and on fire for Him. God wants us to be full heartedly on board with His Kingdom. Not just going through the motions, not really having the relationship He desires us to have with Him.  And that's a big problem when it comes to our God. 

Living wholeheartedly convinced He is true to His Word. When He says He is going to do something in His Word. You best believe it. 
I know this is a touchy subject for many. For God it's His word
 The truth. 

When the world turns against Jews and Gentiles. That they will be brought before kings, rulers for His namesake that we shall be mishandled, persecuted, imprisoned for an occasion for our testimony.  
Jesus says to have it settled in our hearts, and not to meditate on beforehand what we shall answer beforehand.  He will put the words in our mouth, when we need to speak. 

There are so many things that get in the way with our relationship with the Lord. Now is the time to get your meat of the word. No more milk. 

When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know its desolation is near. Yes Jerusalem is surrounded by her enemies, today. 

Put on your armor of God, read the Bible. Signs in the sky's have been prominently increasing. The darkness of the enemy is rapidly increasing. Being too comfortable makes us blind to what we really need spiritually. It tricks us into thinking we're fine when we're not. It stops us from looking for God.

I do not know the hour, day or time that our Lord will return for the day of vengeance. I know He loves you, died for you and longs to be your strength and your strong tower. And Safe in His presence.  For His kingdom is not of the world, but a heavenly spiritual kingdom ✨️ 

If you are unaware of the status of Israel 🇮🇱  I suggest you tune into BeholdIsrael on telegram.  

Luke 21 was the inspiration for this post. Go read it 3 times.  
Remember #Jesuslovesyou 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Gods grace is sufficient!

Hebrews 8:6-13

But now, He has obtained a more excellent ministry,   Inasmuch, He is also a Meditator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.

For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.

Because finding fault with them. He says "Behold the days are coming. Says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant. With the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.
( Jeremiah 31:31-34  )
Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day, when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. because they did not continue in my covenant. I disregard them.   says the Lord."

For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel. After those days, says Lord, 
I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts, and I will be there, God, and they shall be My people.
None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none of them his brother, saying, 
Know the Lord.  For all shall know Me from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. 
In that He says 
"A New Covenant." He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete growing old is ready to vanish.

You see, Jesus is the High Priest forever as that of the order of Melchizedek, Levitical high priest.  Heb 7:17
Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant by the means of death, for the redemption of transgressions under the first covenant, that, those who are called may receive the promise of eternal existence. 

How much more will the blood of Christ through the eternal Spirit without spot, 
will He cleanse your sins?  

 #Bible #Bibleversefortoday #mindsetmatters #mindset #renewedmindset 
 #godisgood #Godisfirst 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Little stone OK.

Father God, 
I decree bondages, contracts, covenants, chains and fetters and strongholds are dissolved in the name of Jesus by the anointing. They are broken!  Anything that opposes or hinders the accomplishment of God's original plan and objectives. In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare. Hallelujah, that there is freedom and victory of souls, generational curses, satanic strongholds, demonic alliances, allegiances, curses, spirits of inheritance, I sever them from this woman, this man, this child, I sever them, I sever them by thr blood of You Jesus. I sever them by your Holy Spirit. I sever them by the Name of Jesus. 
In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏 
I disapprove and prohibit any demonic interception and interference or resistance
 (Daniel 10:1-13).

Friday, October 20, 2023

The God of miracles

You are the God of miracles and he's going to move in your midst today. Listen to what Psalm 77 verse 14 says.
You are the God who does wonders. You have declared your strength among the people so let's pray.
Lord we thank you that you are a God of miracles. Lord we thank you that you are the God who raises
the dead to life. You open the eyes of the blind. You make the death hear.
 Lord, We declare that it's a new season. Lord we just say, run the heavens. We ask you to open up the heavens
and pour out your spirit and pour out your glory over this person and their family in the mighty name
of Jesus. Lord I set my faith in agreement with this person that every miracle that they're believing
you for. Lord we say let your kingdom come and let your will be done on earth in their lives
as it is in heaven. Lord we thank you that you know the plans that you have for them. Plans to give
them a hope in a future. And Lord I thank you for filling this person with hope. We thank you Lord
that as they wait on you their eyes are fixed on you. Their eyes are fixed on everything that you
have set before them today.
 In Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

Share an Amen below and pass 
this on with someone who needs it.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

who did Jesus come for

 Can you lose your salvation? 

The real question is, is it possible for God to lose you? 
If it were up to us to keep ourselves saved, let's be real. There wouldn't be any Christians on the earth.

But what about those people who claimed to be Christian, who ended up walking away from the faith or continued in the life of sin? 
Did God lose them? NO. 

Is there hope for them? YES Forgiveness is what happened at the cross. When the sinner realizes their sins and seek repentance of the sin, have Separated from that sin. Sinning no more. Jesus washes them clean from sin. 

How many times did Israel commit sins against God? He always forgives Israel. 
And it's not that God lost them. 
Lost, Jesus will go out of His way to find the one lost sheep out of the ninetynine.
How much more would he do for your lost soul.

One of the marks of genuine faith in Jesus is faith that endures to the end.
Biblically, there is no such thing as a seasonal Christian, as someone who was once saved but is no longer saved.
Either you're saved or you're not saved. If You are saved, God will keep you until the end. 

Yes we all sin. Unintentionally. 
Even after we are saved. 
We are of Flesh. Human after all. 
Jesus is the only man to walk this earth sin free. Only God gets to judge, and with righteousness He will judge. 

If you have sinned after you chose Jesus 
Pray.. seeking forgiveness and do not sin anymore. 

Using excuses, like I might sin is no excuse for ignorance of who Jesus is and what is required of us. 

Let us pray,
Pray out loud after me. 

Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. You are my Lord and Savior. I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. 
By faith in your word, I receive salvation now. Thank you for saving me.
I am now reborn. 
I am a child of Almighty God.
I am saved. Thank you, Jesus.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Keep me from wandering

Isaiah 1:3

Heavenly Father, thank You for the book of Isaiah and the many truths within its pages. Thank You that You sent Jesus to save Your people from their sins. Thank You that You came to save me and place me into Your heavenly family, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Keep me from wandering away from the truth of Your Word. Give me an understanding heart and a love for You that grows with every passing day. This I ask in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

“The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib, but Israel does not know, my people don't consider.”
Isaiah 1:3

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

God Whispers

Learning how to hear God, even when he whispers to you. 
God tells us in Psalms 119:11 that he has hidden his words in your heart.

I have hidden your words in my heart, that I may not sin against you. Psalms 119.11
For his gentle whisper is always reminding us or speaking to us.

One morning, the sun shined in the kitchen windows. It was sometime after my last born child was born. I had my regular check up, a pap tests, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Listening to everything that the world was telling me.
That this is the end for me, cancer kills, sick and dying was on my mind. Just going through my own grandma who suffered and died from bone cancer.
I was very concerned, not so much about dying, but about the five little ones.
Who would teach them Gods words.
God wispered to me!
Believe it, for he did.
It was just a normal day.  
I was caring for my 3 tottlers, and my brother-inlaws 2 daughters.
5 Tottlers daily.. they were the Joy in my life!
During the process of preparing the morning breakfast,
I was preparing the table for the kids. My hands full with bowls and spoons.
Listening to the kids singing along with the tv.
Patieintly waiting for their breakfast. 
yeah right you get five hungry tottlers together, you think they are going to be patient?
more like one child saying quit singing, singing louder, poking and pinching each other. 
All things I give praise for. 👏 
The Lord whispered,

 "Bunny, I will heal you."

I stopped in my tracks. Began thanking God for the healing.
Then the shock hit me, God Whispered to me. I heard the Voice of God!
I rejoiced in hearing Gods voice!  Of course the kids joined me in rejoicing!
We danced around the living room and sang and lifted our hands and praised God!

 I had been praying and praying for God to heal me.  He answered me a quiet whisper in my ear. 
Psalms 119:11

I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
 Praise be to you, O LORD;
teach me your decrees.
Now I knew God would be Victorious!
He was, and is!

So when you are down and struggling with any situation remember to listen to God he does whisper.  He will stop you in your tracks.